With the engine on the bench it was time to first remove the existing sump pan, this was retained by 15 M6 bolts with 8mm hex heads. Two of the bolts are slightly shorter than the others and the position of these is marked on the sump by a small arrow. On the right hand side of the sump in my photo is the oil level sight glass. This is simply pushed into a hole in the block where it is sealed with an O ring and retained in place with two bolts that go into the side of the sump pan. So I removed the sight glass bolts and pulled it sideways out of the block, hmmm that was easy. I then removed the remaining sump pan bolts. and the sump pan itself whereupon the ZX12R promptly spat half a litre of engine oil all over my nice clean bench... sheesh well I suppose it will waterproof it.
First I removed the original oil pickup (it simply pulls off), and I then removed the rubber sealing ring from the where the pickup moulding connects with the main oil way in the block, again it just pulls out.
Next it was on to the oil transfer pipes. The oil transfer pipes are very important things to get right. These distribute high pressure oil from the main oil galleries to big end bearings and other important bits that tend to go bang in expensive ways if not lubricated.
These pictures aren't very clear I'm afraid but basically I placed a straight edge across the machined mating face of the original sump and measured from the support boss to the straight edged using sliding callipers. Then without moving the callipers I adjusted the grubs screws so that the callipers would just fit between the screw and a straight edge placed across the mating face of the Pace sump.
The grub screws were already "Loctited" in place but the compound was still liquid and hadn't yet "gone off" so I could easily make the adjustments. I performed this process 4 time, once for each support boss but I think the measurements were largely identical.
I then very carefully collected all the 4 blobs of Blue Tack out of the engine and carefully removed all traces of them.
The Pace sump comes completes with a blanking plug for blocking off the PRV's hole in the main oil gallery. In accordance with their instructions I fitted it with a thread lock and sealing compound and tightened it to the torque specified in my dealer's manual (15nm)
Next on the agenda was to transfer to locating dowels from the old sump or engine block to corresponding holes in the Pace sump.
There are two dowels to transfer, and the locating holes in the Pace sump are located near the main oil inlet and on the opposite side of the sump from the inlet
The Pace instructions suggest using an additional sealant to prevent leaks, so I gave the washer and O ring a generous smearing of Tiger Seal (much more generous than in the photos) and bolted the assembly into the block. You can see from the photo that I omitted the interior washer so that sufficient bolt thread protruded beyond to Nyloc to ensure that the nut didn't vibrate loose and fall off into the sump.
It's loosely retained in place by a small folded metal bracket and two gold colour bolts on either side of the tube. The bracket does not pinch the tube but simply appears to be a retainer to prevent the tube from getting tangled into the gearbox. The tube has a notch in the bottom end
The tube is obviously too long for the pace sump which is only about 1 inch deep, and the heads of the bracket's retaining bolts fouled on bosses in the sump so something had to be done with it.
The tube can only perform one of three functions, it's either a suction tube for lifting oil to the top end of the engine, an oil drain tube or a breather to equalise pressure in the crankcase.
My guess is that it's an oil return tube, placed so that oil returning from the top end of the engine is directed straight into the deepest part of the sump, where it can be easily picked up by the oil pump intake. This has the obvious advantage that it helps prevent oil starvation, but also the oil is quickly returned to the sump without running down the inside of the crank case were it would be heated. Thus maybe this arrangement helps keep oil temperatures down too!
This then left me with the problem that I had to remove the retaining bracket to fit the Pace sump pan. I hoped that the much reduced length of the pipe would prevent itfrom moving but was a bit worried. However a trial fitting of the sump revealed two fortuitous side effects of shortening the pipe.
The pick up tube would therefore retain the pipe in position, but also the pipe would be discharging it's oil flow close to the scavenge pump's inlet, thus neatly mirroring the original function of the pipe. Problem solved (I hope!)
The fitting is simply pushed into either the port in the centre of the Pace sump, or into the main oil inlet in the block.
So with the grub screws adjusted, the sight glass hole filled, the dowels transferred, the oil drain pipe sorted, the PRV replaced with a plug and the high pressure oil port connection in place it was time to complete the installation of the sump pan.
A click, a nice movement and the fact that the sump now sat naturally at the correct mating position indicated that the fitting had been driven home and the sump can be bolted up.
It was now that I discovered that you can't reuse the original sump mounting bolts to fit the Pace Sump. Pace hadn't supplied any mounting bolts (although I think they will do from now on) so I had to source 15 x M6 40mm un plated cap bolts. When I fitted these I discovered the the holes where the locating dowels are fitted are actually deeper and require 50mm bolts. So actually I needed 13 M6 x40mm and 2 M6 50mm cap bolts. I didn't have any un plated M6x50mm caps so I've fitted plated ones, but un plated are better because they are stronger. The two longer bolts are the only ones inserted in the position above. BTW I loctited the bolts in place to prevent them from vibrating loose. I tightened the bolts up evenly to the torque specified in my workshop manual (15nm)
Who Hoo that's the sump fitted. I always like it when I can close up an engine after having worked on the internals, it just feels safer when everything is bolted together and covered up again.
The Digidash instructions state the the oil pressure sensor should be attached to the engine by a short section of high pressure hose to ensure that it is not damaged by the high frequency vibrations created by a bike engine.
So I needed to fit a -6\NPTF fitting into the port occupied by the existing low pressure warning switch. The warning switch is actually fitted into a thread adapter boss which is in turn threaded into the main oil gallery. I thoroughly cleaned around the area to prevent any grot falling into the main oil ways and removed the boss and switch.
I found that the NPTF thread in the boss was too small for my -6\NPTF fitting so I tapped it out a bit. NPTF Threads are tapered so if you tap them out you actually make the hole a big bigger, but you have to be careful not to go too far, or the fitting will never tighten up and seal correctly. I then, carefully cleaned, refitted and torqued up the boss and adapter to the engine
Again I used threadlock and again it needed to be torqued to 15nm.
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