Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Fixing the Handbrake Calliper

I've had a brainwave about my calliper mounting bolt problem. While doing the 3 hour drive to the office I was musing on the problem of finding a bolt with a very narrow head that would allow me to clear the drive chain. And then I had a light bulb above the head moment... What I need is not a bolt but a wheel stud. Wheel studs have a very shallow but wide cap instead of a bolt head and are splined to grip the base material, so you don't need to put a spanner on one end when you do the wheel nuts up. I knew that the existing bolts were 80mm long and 3\8th inch wide (9.???mm). Hmmmm....can I find an appropriate stud?
So I had a look on Trackstore's Website and blimey they actually do an 80mm*3\8ths UNF wheel stud designed for Minis. So I ordered a couple up and hopefully this problem is solved.
I also had another fruitless conversation with HI-Spec today, I be called back tomorrow I'm told, but in Hi-Spec land tomorrow never comes :-(

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